New Beginnings

Welcome to the community of 4,935 curious individuals who are cutting through the noise.

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Hey friends 👋 ,

Happy Tuesday and welcome to the fifteenth issue of Through the Noise!

You may have noticed, things are a little different around here. We've taken the leap across to BeeHiiv. I never want to jeopardise the quality and consistency of content. You’ll get more of both now we’ve migrated.

It’s time to strap in and enjoy.

Read time: 3 minutes

What's New?

We've reached an inflection point.

I started writing formally on Twitter in January this year with 689 followers.

Since then, we've grown to 65,000+.

Off the back of this in April, I launched Through the Noise. A media brand that currently takes two forms:

  1. Podcast

  2. Newsletter

My idea was simple. There is an abundance of noise on the internet. I wanted to create content to distill concepts to the essential and help you go from A→B without the frills.

  • Conversations with founders & VCs

  • Startup concepts

  • Storytelling

Now, we're going all in...

I recently finished my masters degree in finance at Imperial College London.

Whilst spinning both the full time 'back to academia' plate and the 'content creation' plate since January, we now have the freedom to go all in.

I want to help educate 100,000 people this year on startups and VC.

If you're reading this, I appreciate you coming along for the ride.

Every like, comment, retweet, reply and listen I am truly grateful for.

Let's get after it.

Through the Noise Podcast

The pod is rocking and rolling 🤘

Since we last caught up, we've had some stellar guests.

I'm always on the hunt for my next killer guest. If you know anyone who'd fit the bill– an exceptional founder or funder– let me know (reply to this email / DM me).

Catch the next episode wherever you listen to podcasts.

A little something extra

I posted this tweet yesterday.

Want advice on your pitch deck?

I've helped raise millions across early and late stage.

Reply to this email or DM me.

That’s all for today friends!

As always feel free to reply to this email or reach out @thealexbanks as I’d love to hear your feedback.

Thanks for reading and I’ll catch you next Monday.
