The Prompt #9

Finding Your Ikigai

Hey friends šŸ‘‹ The Prompt helps you integrate AI into your daily life in 3 minutes. Today's prompt is designed to help you uncover your life's purpose and guide you towards a meaningful existenceā€”finding your Ikigai. Letā€™s dive in.

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ā˜ļø1 Prompt

An input you provide ChatGPT to get a specific response.

šŸŽ„ Link: How to get started with ChatGPT

The Japanese concept of Ikigai simply means your ā€˜reason for beingā€™. It can be seen as the bedrock for the way Japanese people live, and the reason for their happiness and longevity. Today, weā€™re using ChatGPT to learn how you can apply it to discover a meaningful career.

The diagram below helps visualise this concept by showing the four overlapping qualities:

You can access the prompt directly in ChatGPT here.

šŸŽ„ Link: Video breakdown of todayā€™s prompt

ā˜ļø1 Insight

A key takeaway from the prompt.

You often hear the saying ā€œDo what you love and you'll never work a day in your lifeā€. If you solely did this, with no appreciation for the other parts of your Ikigai, youā€™d have total delight and fullness from life, but no wealth. On the flip side, if you just did what made you money, youā€™d be comfortable, but thereā€™d be a gaping hole of emptiness.

Finding the intersection of your passion, mission, profession and vocation is critical to uncover your reason for beingā€”and letting it be your driving force to get out of bed with fervour each morning.

ā˜ļø1 Action

Take the prompt one step further.

Take time to personalise this prompt to get the best results. Edit the sections:

  • My skills

  • My hobbies and interests

  • My work experience

ChatGPT will help you probe further by asking follow on questions. This will enable the language model (ChatGPT) to gain sufficient context in order to provide the most accurate Ikigai suggestions. If you havenā€™t undertaken this exercise before, I hope it provides a clear path towards a fulfilling life.

Even if these prompts arenā€™t relevant to you right now, let them serve as a benchmark of inspiration for you to turn back to when the time is right.

See you Sunday,

Alex Banks

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