Sunday Signal #1

ChatGPT goes wild, an AI film festival and LensaAI madness

Signal, straight to your inbox, every Sunday.

Hey friends πŸ‘‹ ,

This is the first Sunday Signal drop of its kind. 

Each week I consume 500+ pieces of content in tech and AI.

I filter them and send you the best, each Sunday.

I'm following my passion inside the space and I'm excited to bring you along for the ride.

It's a chilly afternoon here in London– let's dive right in!

ChatGPT goes wild, an AI film festival and LensaAI madness

DALLΒ·E prompt: "draw a sketch of a weekly newsletter on AI called sunday signal"

Noteworthy News

  • πŸ”— Link: Cassie Kozyrkov wrote a great piece demystifying ChatGPT. From writing code to creating your first blog post, this has it all.

  • πŸ”— Link: McKinsey dropped their state of AI report. Here's a quick summary to save you time (thanks to ChatGPT).

  • πŸ”— Link: DeepMind introduced Dramatron, a new tool for writers to co-write theatre and film scripts with a language model.

  • πŸ”— Link: RunwayML introduced the first annual AI Film Festival. A celebration of the art and artists making the impossible at the forefront of AI filmmaking.

  • πŸ”— Link: Zapier launched OpenAI on their platform. You can now build super cool stuff using no-code with AI + Zapier.

  • πŸ”— Link: DeepMind’s AlphaCode outperforms human programmers in software challenges.

Cool Creations

  • πŸ”— Link: Kazuki Nakayashiki built a ChatGPT chrome extension. Needless to say it ran the numbers and got 10,000 installs in 5 days. (I use it daily!)

  • πŸ”— Link: Kavir Kaycee created 150 pieces of targeted content for his website in just a few hours using no-code.

  • πŸ”— Link: Jason Shen built a random story generator using no-code that creates fun synopses.

Top Tweets

  • πŸ”— Link: A simple ChatGPT breakdown by Lior. He also writes a great weekly summary which I recommend you check out here.

  • πŸ”— Link: A warning about image based AI generator apps.

  • πŸ”— Link: Pieter Levels highlighted a reddit post about the real opportunity in AI for most people will not be in AI but in building a front end around it.

Weird DALLE of the Week

A developer finding a bug (now even more literal)

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That’s all for today friends!

As always feel free to reply to this email or reach out @thealexbanks as I’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions for how to make this newsletter better.

Thanks for reading and I’ll catch you tomorrow.


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